Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Last weeks minutes

A Nikon 11 camera was left behind at the last meeting, if anyone has any information on it, please let Jay know...
Nelson Business association
Meeting 03 May 2007
Hume Hotel
Nelson BC

Elliot states that KBS is very busy in sales. Reports also that the NBA now has its own mailing address

Nelson Business Association
Box 134 Nelson BC
V1L 4E0

Association with the Nelson Chamber of Commerce in the form of an associate in now in place. Also the website is up and running. Elliot went onto report that Nelson Chrysler and Finley Irish Bar and Grill are doing face lifts.

Karen stated that there will be a Golf tournament this weekend sponsored by Investors.

Jim Reimer
Parkade had its best winter ever and puts that to the fact that the Hume Hotel expansion was the biggest driver with that increase. Share Nelson is doing very well and is now supporting the Lunch kitchen. Share now has a moving company associated with them.

Nelson Daily News
Jay stated that the new Weekender is out this weekend. for Castlegar and Nelson area.

Melissa Walsh Photography
Melissa reports that her business has been busy with Family and Climbing photography. Melissa would also like to have the Photos from the display and those taken of the Hockey day in Canada.

High Alpine Air
Robin reports that the company is doing very well in all aspects. A lot of aerial photography being done by various businesses.

Craig Luke of Aspire and Mountain Baby
Silken Laumann will be doing a book signing at Mountain Baby this Friday while she is in Nelson. (call for details 352 1789)

Kootenay Co-op
Freya reports that the Eco Centre seminar that was put on was very well attended by all aspects of the community including Governments from the local to the Feds. Dedri reports that the Co-operative Development workshop will occur at the library and their AGM will be at the Prestige on Saturday.

Lonnie's for Her and Him
Joyce is looking for a part time person 3 days a week. Lonnie's had a record April

Phoenix Computers
Scott reports a great April, the Castlegar store is slated for the first of June opening.

Chris Holland reports that the Nelson and area Human resources strategy survey is ongoing. There are some exciting prizes being given out.

Kootenia Moon Wicker and Rattan
Val has now become the sole distributor for the Designer Guys furniture. The first arriving this week.

Money Concepts
Duane has been working on the "financial well being" of families. Showing how to structure their financial goals.

Gold Yogi Imports
Thea has had a very successful month of April. A second tent has been rented out. Also Thea stated that there will be a Mountain Waters Retreat for women next week.

Kootenay Co-op Radio
Allison explained that the Radio station is on a membership drive, this is what keeps their doors open.

Cottonwood Kitchens - The fudge lady
Linda's company has had a very good month of April

Kinship Services
Elaine is putting on a Unique Kootenay Experience. Saturday June 2nd from 7 to 9 PM, 20 Men and 20 women who are single will be sharing the Dating Battle Ground (I made that up) This will be held at the Taghum Beach B and B. $20.00 ticket call Elaine at 352-4608 email

General information and other business news.

Chris Holland noted that the letter being sent to the City and RDCK should also allow for the companies within these areas to also be able to send a letter. This letter is inregards to the support that is not given by the RDCK for the Visitor Information Centre.
The Cloth bag promotion is proceeding and discussion in regards to which companies name will be on the bag was tabled for further discussion. Freya stated that Rossland will be the first city to be plastic bag free in Canada. Chris from Culinary delight suggested that the bags should be sold and that a split be done with the after costs. 50% to the NBA- 50% to a recycling program. Elliot would like to see the Membership drive go ahead. Yearly is being pegged at $25.00.

Guest Speaker
Blair Weston from Fortis. He attended and spoke about the savings that companies are able to make with their regular and display lighting. Also related that there are rebates of up to 50% when the fluorescents are purchased. Also was able to speak about the different light spectrums where a brighter verses dimmer light is required for display areas. Went onto relate that heat savings in the summer was another point for companies to look at.

Gerry MacKinnon
Identity Theft and scams took 2.5 trillion dollars out of the world economy last year. On an average data breach where a company is hit by identity theft, that company will loose 40% of their client base, due to the trust factor of protecting their clients information. In April 2,200 companies were hit with civil actions after loosing client, employee or others information in data breaches. 89% of the data breaches were a direct result of employee theft or employee mistakes. Call him for your risk assessment of your company regarding Identity Theft/Privacy act compliance. There will not be a cost to the company for this.