Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This weeks agenda

Open Forum. Come down and discuss the reusable bag program, our charitable organization status, Roxanne, summer hours and what's going on now that kids are out of school and the tourists descend on Nelson....

Last weeks minutes

BC Capital and Kootenay Contracting
Elliot Carter reported that there is some ground being made regarding the Josphine Market. As of July 1st there will be a $25.00 membership cost to be a member of the NBA. Invited Guests to the Breakfasts of course do not need to be a member to attend along with those that come for the first time. Craig will be updating the email list.

Culinary Conspiracy
Chris reports that on the 30th of June is thier first birthday, look for the celebration info in the paper. The bags will cost $1.99 and there is a drive to bring the NBA into non profit status.

Nelson Daily News
Jay while on holidays states that while in Invermere found that that area of the country is wall to wall Albertan's.

David Tocher has come from Owen Sound, Ontario He is new into the Nelson area and is looking for work or setting to buying an existing business. He can be contacted via email at

Mountain Baby
Craig reported that Thomas the Tank Engine was a great success and alot of youngsters were there to see thier hero.

Karen states that the Canada Day celebration activities are booking up well. There is a need for a face painter, as well as people to work the NBA booth.

Walsh Photography
Mellissa is still working on the Hockey Day in Canada book. This should be out soon. She is also booking several weddings

Hazeldean Gallery
Prue MacAllister is the owner and has opened at 105-402 Baker Street. This is in the Nelson Trading Centre. Here telephone is 352-0660

Other news

Elliot suggested a letter of support for the Eco Centre towards the market staying where it is. Three other agencies have now come to the NBA for letters. The Italian Society is working with others to put in a 500 seat convetion style building.
Roxanne will be doing a screening at the Capital in September. There is still money for advertizing with KBS.
Chris advised that the washrooms at the Nelson Trading post will soon be shut down to the public. The building owner is tired of the city not comming to the table in regards to washrooms in the downtown Baker street area. This is a very big sore point when the are locations and the types of washrooms that are out there would allow for way signs to also be posted on them. Suggested that a petition be started to force the issue.

Rodger Higgens from the Kootenay Lake Hospital society was the guest speaker.
The society has been intrumental in redoing the Maturnity Ward, now has "Keyhole" surgery equipment in the OR that is top of the line. There are huge projects ongoing including redoing the first floor. The society raises over $300,000 per year. The trust fund is now over 1.5 million. There are over 130 companies now part of the society. On the 19th of august there will bee the Legacy Gold course.

Pre Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft education and prevention

Gerry MacKinnon has room for 10 positions. The bases is homebased business and this does not cost the person to become involved if they are a single parent or are over 55 years of age. The company;s stock just hit $65.oo per share and is now in its 15th year of increased sales growth. Give him a call at 250-505-3925. The new version for company owners on Identity Theft protection is now out, so at a zero cost allow Gerry to partner up with your company to beat back Identity Theft. Companies lost 19 billion dollars last year to identity theives in Canada. --Could this bankrupt your company??