Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Important Update

This email is from Jan Wright, Executive Director of Kootenay Career Development Society. If you are an employer and facing challenges recruiting, training and retaining staff, then you can help develop a local action plan.

Hello: If you have employees, we need you! Kootenay Career Development Society (KCDS) is coordinating the Nelson Area Human Resource Strategy. This project is developing a local, proactive strategy to respond to the shortage of workers, skilled and unskilled, in our local labour market. The strategy depends on input from employers like you about the challenges you face.
You can help by completing a survey or attending a focus group meeting to tell us what your needs are -- where the gaps are, and what resources you need to address the shortages.
Be part of the solution -- take a few minutes to fill out the survey at: or contact me to attend a focus group meeting. The more employers who participate, the better the action plan/strategy will be. This will benefit you and everyone in the community! The survey can also be done on paper -- by phone or in person. You can win a prize for completing the survey . For more information please visit
KCDS is partnering with Insight Electronics, Selkirk College, and the Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership on this project. A steering committee of 12 local employers is guiding the work. Funding for the project comes from the Government of Canada.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like more information. Regards, Jan Wright Executive Director Kootenay Career Development Society (KCDS) T: 250.352.6200 x223 F: 250.352.6203 E: W:

Last weeks minutes

Your Friends in Business
BC Capital
Elliot reports that radio advertisement for the NBA has gone forward with a large number of positive reviews. Chamber of Commerce is now allowing the NBA to be covered under the Chambers insurance when there are any activities being done by the NBA. Elliot reports that his new business has gone nuts for his company.

Money Concepts
Duane reports that he is out helping people build the money.

Tait Photography
Erica is doing the LVR Graduation Fashion Shaw and just completed the Best Western Fashion show. She took a NBA group photo for the website.

Under Pressure (Kootenay Pressure Washing)
Ira Achsen and Grant Davidson have opened up a pressure washing specializing in Commercial and Residential. They came to the NBA breakfast for the networking and after Ira spoke I think they will be booked until the end of the year. They are also working to align themselves with the Anti Tagging team from the Rotary Morning Side group. They can be reached at 250-551-1257

Nelson Daily News
Jay reports that the new Strip Mall in Casltegar is ongoing.

Culinary Conspiracy
Chris reports that they had a sold out food show last night. Selkirk is having it's annual Wood Working show this weekend in their building.

Mountain Baby
Craig states that on June the 9th their Grand Opening will take place Thomas the Tank Engine will be one of the cleb's in attendance.

Phoenix Computers
Scott went onto state that his new business in Castlegar has been put off until the first of July/ Maryann Keeler from his staff has brought back great reports about the need of a business like Phoenix the second (lol) His business had some large orders this month

Kootnenay Canines
Sherry reports that they will be away and the Second Chance will be closes down from the 1st of June to the 12th. Happy holiday Sherry

Lonnie's for Her and Him
Joyce reports the Youth Employment Resources Centre has lots of persons for hire. is the web site to go to. Your company can do job postings on this site.

General information
Chris from Juggernauts reported that he walked the beat (must be a cop) during the long weekend. There were about 50% of the businesses open. On the weekend there were allot of the customers that came into Mountain Baby that were from out of town. The Visitor Information Centre reports that they had 668 groups of people through the centre so far in May. Joyce reported that Roxanne is slated for the 24/25th weekend of September. There will be a reunion for the extras that were in the filming of Roxanne. Chris from Culinary and Craig from Mountain Baby have now met with the Regional District and the City. All are on board with the (get rid of plastic bags) campaign. There will be a core group of 5 businesses from the NBA.. Letter of support to the VIC should still be sent in under each businesses letterhead to the attn of Tom at the Chamber. Elliot is moving to have a continuous line of speakers. There will be further discussion on the $25.00 yearly membership. Chris from Culinary suggests that we get letters of support from the city and chamber. The open market is still looking for a home.

Pre Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft

Gerry reports that 60% of new businesses fail within the first year due to legal issues. 65% of sick time taken by employees is due to a legal issue. (Stats Young Lawyers of Canada July 17 2000)