Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Important Update

This email is from Jan Wright, Executive Director of Kootenay Career Development Society. If you are an employer and facing challenges recruiting, training and retaining staff, then you can help develop a local action plan.

Hello: If you have employees, we need you! Kootenay Career Development Society (KCDS) is coordinating the Nelson Area Human Resource Strategy. This project is developing a local, proactive strategy to respond to the shortage of workers, skilled and unskilled, in our local labour market. The strategy depends on input from employers like you about the challenges you face.
You can help by completing a survey or attending a focus group meeting to tell us what your needs are -- where the gaps are, and what resources you need to address the shortages.
Be part of the solution -- take a few minutes to fill out the survey at: or contact me to attend a focus group meeting. The more employers who participate, the better the action plan/strategy will be. This will benefit you and everyone in the community! The survey can also be done on paper -- by phone or in person. You can win a prize for completing the survey . For more information please visit
KCDS is partnering with Insight Electronics, Selkirk College, and the Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership on this project. A steering committee of 12 local employers is guiding the work. Funding for the project comes from the Government of Canada.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like more information. Regards, Jan Wright Executive Director Kootenay Career Development Society (KCDS) T: 250.352.6200 x223 F: 250.352.6203 E: W:

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