Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bring Your Own Bag

A few meetings ago I proposed that we produce our own reusable bag program, to be branded by the NBA.
Pricing received by Craig at Mountain Baby indicate that it will cost approximately $1.25 per bag for 5000 bags with our branding.
We could sell these for 1.99 each and split the profits between the NBA and an environmental group of our choosing.
To make this happen, and so that no one business is shouldering the burden of putting up all the money.
I would like to see 15 businesses to step up to the plate and get involved in this startup.
The benefits to those involved will be, less money spent on your own plastic bags, more media exposure, the knowlege that you are helping to reduce the ammount of bags going into the waste stream, other businesses not involved coming in to learn how to get in on the program, and finally, more exposure for the NBA.
I am in for the initial share.
Who else will step up?

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