Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Last weeks minutes

Graffiti Removal:
Nelson Daybreak Rotary Club is partnering with the Nelson City Police and the City of Nelson to remove graffiti. On Saturday May 26 there will be a campaign to clean up the city from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Teams will be sent throughout the City to paint off graffiti. The business community is invited to have the paint color of their building available, so that once the graffiti has been removed, the business owner or someone else can complete the process.
Anyone wanting to join with us in this endeavor is welcome and asked to contact Jim Reimer at pastorjim@shaw.ca. We will meet at the City Hall square at 10:30 am on May 26, for instructions. From Jim Reimer
KBS Radio
Elliot informed that Nakusp is have an Wellness festival this weekend. There will T chi, mind wellnes and much more this weekend. KBS is in the middle of a >Mid Life Crisis< event there will be over $15, 000.00 worth of prizes. The Garden Festival will be going on this weekend. Elliot informed that the Regional district and City have now put enough funding in place to allow the Visitors Centre to go forward for the year at current time and dates of operation. Informed that Silver City Days are going ahead.

Nelson Daily News
Jay informs that they will be sponsoring in part the ALS walk. This walk is slated for the 3rd of June.. The Rider Cup will be held at Granit Point on the 27th of May. There will be a soccer tournament this weekend with over 400 youth attending our city. Jay has lost a camera while at the NBA

Culinary Conspiracy
Chris advised the Bob and Doug MacKenzie from the Great White North are regrouping. Also there will be a Nascar in Town for the Weekend. Mainly at Maglio's. Stated that Josephine Market has to now move around the cirty versus staying at one spot. This was due to complaints from several businesses. Chris also has set up a webpage and blog for the NBA.

Tate Photography
Eric has been busy and did the weekend for Waldorf School.

Kooteni Moon
Val informed the Steven and Chris furniture line is doing well. This weekend there will be a raffle for a wicker rocker.

Share Nelson
Jim Reimer informed that The Morningside Rotary is spearheading Graffitti removal. May 26 at 10:30 will be the start up and there will be information out to have he general public assist.

Mountian Baby
Judy informed that on June 9th Thomas the Tank Engine will be in town. She is also intrumental in the GOGA stratatgy and will have Silken Laumann in for a book signing this weekend. The session at the Prestige will be at $25.00 per ticket. The Health Co-op is also up and running.

Juggernauts Communications
Nelson Area Human Resources Statagy is ongoing for Chris. The surveys are out now and the participants are able to send this in online.

Kootenay Co-op
Dedri informed that there will be a skills building workshop this weekend. There will be over 40 people attending.

Cotton Wood Kitchens
Linda informs that she has a couple of new varieties of Fudge out.

Karen related that Save-on Foods and Investors ran a successful Childrens Gold tournament with over 110 participants.

Chris Holland went through the survey and the projects that he is currently working on. There is great potential here, so If there is any company in the Nelson area please direct them to www.kcds.ca then off to the right is the survey.

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