Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Important Update

This email is from Jan Wright, Executive Director of Kootenay Career Development Society. If you are an employer and facing challenges recruiting, training and retaining staff, then you can help develop a local action plan.

Hello: If you have employees, we need you! Kootenay Career Development Society (KCDS) is coordinating the Nelson Area Human Resource Strategy. This project is developing a local, proactive strategy to respond to the shortage of workers, skilled and unskilled, in our local labour market. The strategy depends on input from employers like you about the challenges you face.
You can help by completing a survey or attending a focus group meeting to tell us what your needs are -- where the gaps are, and what resources you need to address the shortages.
Be part of the solution -- take a few minutes to fill out the survey at: or contact me to attend a focus group meeting. The more employers who participate, the better the action plan/strategy will be. This will benefit you and everyone in the community! The survey can also be done on paper -- by phone or in person. You can win a prize for completing the survey . For more information please visit
KCDS is partnering with Insight Electronics, Selkirk College, and the Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership on this project. A steering committee of 12 local employers is guiding the work. Funding for the project comes from the Government of Canada.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like more information. Regards, Jan Wright Executive Director Kootenay Career Development Society (KCDS) T: 250.352.6200 x223 F: 250.352.6203 E: W:

Last weeks minutes

Your Friends in Business
BC Capital
Elliot reports that radio advertisement for the NBA has gone forward with a large number of positive reviews. Chamber of Commerce is now allowing the NBA to be covered under the Chambers insurance when there are any activities being done by the NBA. Elliot reports that his new business has gone nuts for his company.

Money Concepts
Duane reports that he is out helping people build the money.

Tait Photography
Erica is doing the LVR Graduation Fashion Shaw and just completed the Best Western Fashion show. She took a NBA group photo for the website.

Under Pressure (Kootenay Pressure Washing)
Ira Achsen and Grant Davidson have opened up a pressure washing specializing in Commercial and Residential. They came to the NBA breakfast for the networking and after Ira spoke I think they will be booked until the end of the year. They are also working to align themselves with the Anti Tagging team from the Rotary Morning Side group. They can be reached at 250-551-1257

Nelson Daily News
Jay reports that the new Strip Mall in Casltegar is ongoing.

Culinary Conspiracy
Chris reports that they had a sold out food show last night. Selkirk is having it's annual Wood Working show this weekend in their building.

Mountain Baby
Craig states that on June the 9th their Grand Opening will take place Thomas the Tank Engine will be one of the cleb's in attendance.

Phoenix Computers
Scott went onto state that his new business in Castlegar has been put off until the first of July/ Maryann Keeler from his staff has brought back great reports about the need of a business like Phoenix the second (lol) His business had some large orders this month

Kootnenay Canines
Sherry reports that they will be away and the Second Chance will be closes down from the 1st of June to the 12th. Happy holiday Sherry

Lonnie's for Her and Him
Joyce reports the Youth Employment Resources Centre has lots of persons for hire. is the web site to go to. Your company can do job postings on this site.

General information
Chris from Juggernauts reported that he walked the beat (must be a cop) during the long weekend. There were about 50% of the businesses open. On the weekend there were allot of the customers that came into Mountain Baby that were from out of town. The Visitor Information Centre reports that they had 668 groups of people through the centre so far in May. Joyce reported that Roxanne is slated for the 24/25th weekend of September. There will be a reunion for the extras that were in the filming of Roxanne. Chris from Culinary and Craig from Mountain Baby have now met with the Regional District and the City. All are on board with the (get rid of plastic bags) campaign. There will be a core group of 5 businesses from the NBA.. Letter of support to the VIC should still be sent in under each businesses letterhead to the attn of Tom at the Chamber. Elliot is moving to have a continuous line of speakers. There will be further discussion on the $25.00 yearly membership. Chris from Culinary suggests that we get letters of support from the city and chamber. The open market is still looking for a home.

Pre Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft

Gerry reports that 60% of new businesses fail within the first year due to legal issues. 65% of sick time taken by employees is due to a legal issue. (Stats Young Lawyers of Canada July 17 2000)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Last weeks minutes
BC Capital
Elliot reports that radio advertisement for the NBA has gone forward with a large number of positive reviews. Chamber of Commerce is now allowing the NBA to be covered under the Chambers insurance when there are any activities being done by the NBA. Elliot reports that his new business has gone nuts for his company.

Money Concepts
Duane reports that he is out helping people build the money.

Street Cloths Named Desire
Tao reports that it was on and off business this month so far.

Tait Photography
Erica is doing the LVR Graduation Fashion Shaw and just completed the Best Western Fashion show. She took a NBA group photo for the website.

Under Pressure (Kootenay Pressure Washing)
Ira Achsen and Grant Davidson have opened up a pressure washing specializing in Commercial and Residential. They came to the NBA breakfast for the networking and after Ira spoke I think they will be booked until the end of the year. They are also working to align themselves with the Anti Tagging team from the Rotary Morning Side group. They can be reached at 250-551-1257

Nelson Daily News
Jay reports that the new Strip Mall in Casltegar is ongoing.

Culinary Conspiracy
Chris reports that they had a sold out food show last night. Selkirk is having it's annual Wood Working show this weekend in their building.

Mountain Baby
Craig states that on June the 9th their Grand Opening will take place Thomas the Tank will be one of the cleb's in attendance.

Phoenix Computers
Scott went onto state that his new business in Castlegar has been put off until the first of July/ Maryann Keeler from his staff has brought back great reports about the need of a business like Phoenix the second (lol) His business had some large orders this month

Kootnenay Canines
Sherry reports that they will be away and the Second Chance will be closes down from the 1st of June to the 12th. Happy holiday Sherry

Lonnie's for Her and Him
Joyce reports the Youth Employment Resources Centre has lots of persons for hire. is the web site to go to. Your company can do job postings on this site.

General information
Tagham Trading is sold and the new persons will be changing the name. Chris from Juggernauts reported that he walked the beat (must be a cop) during the long weekend. There were about 50% of the businesses open. On the weekend there were allot of the customers that came into Mountain Baby that were from out of town. The Visitor Information Centre reports that they had 668 groups of people through the centre so far in May. Joyce reported that Roxanne is slated for the 24/25th weekend of September. There will be a reunion for the extras that were in the filming of Roxanne.
Chris from Culinary and Craig from Mountain Baby have now met with the Regional District and the City. All are onboard with the (get rid of plastic bags) campaign. There will be a core group of 5 businesses from the NBA..
Letter of support to the VIC should still be sent in under each businesses letterhead to the attn of Tom at the Chamber. Elliot is moving to have a continuous line of speakers. There will be further discussion on the $25.00 yearly membership. Chris from Culinary suggests that we get letters of support from the city and chamber. The open market is still looking for a home.

Pre Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft

Gerry reports that 60% of new businesses fail within the first year due to legal issues. 65% of sick time taken by employees is due to a legal issue. (Stats Young Lawyers of Canada July 17 2000)
For this survey and a free Identity Theft Risk assessment for your company please email him at

Tom Thomson (in photo) came down to the NBA on the 17th to update us on the progress of the wayfinding sinage.

Tom, the signs look great.

Next time we will let you eat your toast.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

GOGA & Silken Laumann

Images from Thursday's Meet & Greet and Friday's Gala & Keyntoe Presentation can be viewed here.

Silken & Judy thank all of the GOGA sponsors:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Last weeks minutes

Graffiti Removal:
Nelson Daybreak Rotary Club is partnering with the Nelson City Police and the City of Nelson to remove graffiti. On Saturday May 26 there will be a campaign to clean up the city from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Teams will be sent throughout the City to paint off graffiti. The business community is invited to have the paint color of their building available, so that once the graffiti has been removed, the business owner or someone else can complete the process.
Anyone wanting to join with us in this endeavor is welcome and asked to contact Jim Reimer at We will meet at the City Hall square at 10:30 am on May 26, for instructions. From Jim Reimer
KBS Radio
Elliot informed that Nakusp is have an Wellness festival this weekend. There will T chi, mind wellnes and much more this weekend. KBS is in the middle of a >Mid Life Crisis< event there will be over $15, 000.00 worth of prizes. The Garden Festival will be going on this weekend. Elliot informed that the Regional district and City have now put enough funding in place to allow the Visitors Centre to go forward for the year at current time and dates of operation. Informed that Silver City Days are going ahead.

Nelson Daily News
Jay informs that they will be sponsoring in part the ALS walk. This walk is slated for the 3rd of June.. The Rider Cup will be held at Granit Point on the 27th of May. There will be a soccer tournament this weekend with over 400 youth attending our city. Jay has lost a camera while at the NBA

Culinary Conspiracy
Chris advised the Bob and Doug MacKenzie from the Great White North are regrouping. Also there will be a Nascar in Town for the Weekend. Mainly at Maglio's. Stated that Josephine Market has to now move around the cirty versus staying at one spot. This was due to complaints from several businesses. Chris also has set up a webpage and blog for the NBA.

Tate Photography
Eric has been busy and did the weekend for Waldorf School.

Kooteni Moon
Val informed the Steven and Chris furniture line is doing well. This weekend there will be a raffle for a wicker rocker.

Share Nelson
Jim Reimer informed that The Morningside Rotary is spearheading Graffitti removal. May 26 at 10:30 will be the start up and there will be information out to have he general public assist.

Mountian Baby
Judy informed that on June 9th Thomas the Tank Engine will be in town. She is also intrumental in the GOGA stratatgy and will have Silken Laumann in for a book signing this weekend. The session at the Prestige will be at $25.00 per ticket. The Health Co-op is also up and running.

Juggernauts Communications
Nelson Area Human Resources Statagy is ongoing for Chris. The surveys are out now and the participants are able to send this in online.

Kootenay Co-op
Dedri informed that there will be a skills building workshop this weekend. There will be over 40 people attending.

Cotton Wood Kitchens
Linda informs that she has a couple of new varieties of Fudge out.

Karen related that Save-on Foods and Investors ran a successful Childrens Gold tournament with over 110 participants.

Chris Holland went through the survey and the projects that he is currently working on. There is great potential here, so If there is any company in the Nelson area please direct them to then off to the right is the survey.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Bloom Fashion Show

For the NBA retailers who participated in the Bloom Fashion Show. Here are the images. View Images.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bring Your Own Bag

A few meetings ago I proposed that we produce our own reusable bag program, to be branded by the NBA.
Pricing received by Craig at Mountain Baby indicate that it will cost approximately $1.25 per bag for 5000 bags with our branding.
We could sell these for 1.99 each and split the profits between the NBA and an environmental group of our choosing.
To make this happen, and so that no one business is shouldering the burden of putting up all the money.
I would like to see 15 businesses to step up to the plate and get involved in this startup.
The benefits to those involved will be, less money spent on your own plastic bags, more media exposure, the knowlege that you are helping to reduce the ammount of bags going into the waste stream, other businesses not involved coming in to learn how to get in on the program, and finally, more exposure for the NBA.
I am in for the initial share.
Who else will step up?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Last weeks minutes

A Nikon 11 camera was left behind at the last meeting, if anyone has any information on it, please let Jay know...
Nelson Business association
Meeting 03 May 2007
Hume Hotel
Nelson BC

Elliot states that KBS is very busy in sales. Reports also that the NBA now has its own mailing address

Nelson Business Association
Box 134 Nelson BC
V1L 4E0

Association with the Nelson Chamber of Commerce in the form of an associate in now in place. Also the website is up and running. Elliot went onto report that Nelson Chrysler and Finley Irish Bar and Grill are doing face lifts.

Karen stated that there will be a Golf tournament this weekend sponsored by Investors.

Jim Reimer
Parkade had its best winter ever and puts that to the fact that the Hume Hotel expansion was the biggest driver with that increase. Share Nelson is doing very well and is now supporting the Lunch kitchen. Share now has a moving company associated with them.

Nelson Daily News
Jay stated that the new Weekender is out this weekend. for Castlegar and Nelson area.

Melissa Walsh Photography
Melissa reports that her business has been busy with Family and Climbing photography. Melissa would also like to have the Photos from the display and those taken of the Hockey day in Canada.

High Alpine Air
Robin reports that the company is doing very well in all aspects. A lot of aerial photography being done by various businesses.

Craig Luke of Aspire and Mountain Baby
Silken Laumann will be doing a book signing at Mountain Baby this Friday while she is in Nelson. (call for details 352 1789)

Kootenay Co-op
Freya reports that the Eco Centre seminar that was put on was very well attended by all aspects of the community including Governments from the local to the Feds. Dedri reports that the Co-operative Development workshop will occur at the library and their AGM will be at the Prestige on Saturday.

Lonnie's for Her and Him
Joyce is looking for a part time person 3 days a week. Lonnie's had a record April

Phoenix Computers
Scott reports a great April, the Castlegar store is slated for the first of June opening.

Chris Holland reports that the Nelson and area Human resources strategy survey is ongoing. There are some exciting prizes being given out.

Kootenia Moon Wicker and Rattan
Val has now become the sole distributor for the Designer Guys furniture. The first arriving this week.

Money Concepts
Duane has been working on the "financial well being" of families. Showing how to structure their financial goals.

Gold Yogi Imports
Thea has had a very successful month of April. A second tent has been rented out. Also Thea stated that there will be a Mountain Waters Retreat for women next week.

Kootenay Co-op Radio
Allison explained that the Radio station is on a membership drive, this is what keeps their doors open.

Cottonwood Kitchens - The fudge lady
Linda's company has had a very good month of April

Kinship Services
Elaine is putting on a Unique Kootenay Experience. Saturday June 2nd from 7 to 9 PM, 20 Men and 20 women who are single will be sharing the Dating Battle Ground (I made that up) This will be held at the Taghum Beach B and B. $20.00 ticket call Elaine at 352-4608 email

General information and other business news.

Chris Holland noted that the letter being sent to the City and RDCK should also allow for the companies within these areas to also be able to send a letter. This letter is inregards to the support that is not given by the RDCK for the Visitor Information Centre.
The Cloth bag promotion is proceeding and discussion in regards to which companies name will be on the bag was tabled for further discussion. Freya stated that Rossland will be the first city to be plastic bag free in Canada. Chris from Culinary delight suggested that the bags should be sold and that a split be done with the after costs. 50% to the NBA- 50% to a recycling program. Elliot would like to see the Membership drive go ahead. Yearly is being pegged at $25.00.

Guest Speaker
Blair Weston from Fortis. He attended and spoke about the savings that companies are able to make with their regular and display lighting. Also related that there are rebates of up to 50% when the fluorescents are purchased. Also was able to speak about the different light spectrums where a brighter verses dimmer light is required for display areas. Went onto relate that heat savings in the summer was another point for companies to look at.

Gerry MacKinnon
Identity Theft and scams took 2.5 trillion dollars out of the world economy last year. On an average data breach where a company is hit by identity theft, that company will loose 40% of their client base, due to the trust factor of protecting their clients information. In April 2,200 companies were hit with civil actions after loosing client, employee or others information in data breaches. 89% of the data breaches were a direct result of employee theft or employee mistakes. Call him for your risk assessment of your company regarding Identity Theft/Privacy act compliance. There will not be a cost to the company for this.